Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Week Fourteen

I'm a little puzzled and I've lost some faith... in my scale. I haven't been trying very hard lately to lose. I have been trying not to splurge and just maintain what I've achieved. This morning I woke up and after the usual morning business I hopped on my scale, 164 lbs. No surprise. I then proceeded to go back to bed(this was at 5AM) until around 1PM today. I'm not exactly sure when, but around 2PM after I'd finished showering and was about to get dressed on a whim I hopped on the scale again, 161.5 lbs. So what's the deal? I lost 2.5 lbs sleeping for 6 more hours followed by watching a movie for another 2 hours and then taking a shower. Shit I should just stay in bed more often. To hell with this exercising BS it's all about the sleeping.


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