Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Week Nine

So right off the bat a little (more) fudging was done this week. At least as far as when we weighed ourselves that is. We weighed ourselves on Friday before going on our cruise to Ensenada this past weekend. So to be official it was 164.5 on Friday, 170.5 Monday morning right after breakfast and 167.5 later Monday after, well, events transpired. Now it would definitely not be impossible to stay on plan while cruising to Ensenada. Healthy food was available for all meals and it looked great.

Just not as great as the burgers, the pizza, the pasta salads, the deserts, the deserts, um, the deserts. Not to say I ate entirely fatty foods all weekend. In fact I had awesome shrimp ceviche in Ensenada coupled with awesome fish tacos(yes they were fried). There was beer, though only in Ensenada, and there was plenty of rum and coke(no I didn't bother with diet).

So considering I went all out this past weekend I was quite pleased that I only spiked up to 170.5. It could have been a whole lot worse, BUT my stomach must have shrunk because I could barely get anything down there. One plate of something and I was full dammit! So now we're back on plan and I must say that I'm glad to be back to it. It was just so damn uncomfortable being so full all weekend. By Sunday I was so uncomfortable, not that I really ate that much, that I went up to the jogging track and put in two miles of brisk walking just to work the food through quicker. After the dinner, which I couldn't even eat more than a few bites of, I again had to go up to the track to walk off the weekends excess. Four miles in one day. The guy who can't stand exercising. Ack!

I'm actually pretty happy about the fact that I feel so full after overindulging for extended periods. One thing is for sure I can't remember the last time I crapped so much and I don't mean because my stomach was upset. I must have been burning some serious calories processing all that food so quickly.


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