Friday, April 27, 2007


Well it's been quite some time since the last update on the weightloss. Reason being is that there has been no more weight loss. In fact much weight gained. Not back to where I started, but last summer was the beginning of not trying anymore. It is getting to the point where I need to seriously get back into it though. Hopefully soon. Updates will follow once the process is begun again in earnest.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Progress Tracking

Monday, August 28, 2006

Weeks Twentynine &Thirty

Well from the 18th to the 27th we were vacationing in Maui. I did not practice responsible eating habits while there. I ate and then I ate some more. Just for good measure I drank lots of beer and exercized very infrequently. Hence the huge gain. Yay.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Weeks Twentysix Through Twentyeight

So it's fairly obvious that I haven't been posting my status. I just haven't been trying very hard. I haven't totally slid backwards though. I still have cut my intake to more reasonable portions. I still pay attention to my weight on a regular basis. I just haven't felt that motivated to keep up with actually losing more. I still want to, but for now I'll just keep tracking and doing what I'm doing. Maybe when we get back from Maui I'll make the final push to 150.

We'll see.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Week Twentyfive

No progress. No loss. Status quo.

I'm hearing rumblings of a party this weekend though. Doesn't bode well. We'll see.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Week Twentyfour

Doing a little better this week although I've definitely had some good slip ups at work. Where we're at right now provides crap food and snacks since we're pretty much chained to the terminals for our shift. Skittles, Snickers, Kraft Mac & Cheese and Cup O' Noodle. Still managed to drop a couple pounds though. This was definitely easier early on.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Week Twentythree

Well as you can see I'm more faithful in updating this darn blog than I am at actually making progress, forward progress, on the weight reduction process. There are any number of excuses, but that's all they are. Excuses. One fifty seems so out of reach.
