Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Week Twentyfive

No progress. No loss. Status quo.

I'm hearing rumblings of a party this weekend though. Doesn't bode well. We'll see.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Week Twentyfour

Doing a little better this week although I've definitely had some good slip ups at work. Where we're at right now provides crap food and snacks since we're pretty much chained to the terminals for our shift. Skittles, Snickers, Kraft Mac & Cheese and Cup O' Noodle. Still managed to drop a couple pounds though. This was definitely easier early on.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Week Twentythree

Well as you can see I'm more faithful in updating this darn blog than I am at actually making progress, forward progress, on the weight reduction process. There are any number of excuses, but that's all they are. Excuses. One fifty seems so out of reach.
